Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are safe and effective and have been proven to reduce hospitalisations and severe illness. They give you the best protection against COVID-19.
For some, particularly older people and those with a weakened immune system, COVID-19 can still be very dangerous and even life-threatening. COVID-19 vaccines offered by the NHS provide protection against the virus and help reduce the risk of serious illness. The vaccine has saved countless lives, prevented thousands from needing to go to hospital and helped us to live with the virus without fear or restrictions.
Protection against COVID-19 (either from catching the virus or from a previous vaccination) can fade over time and the virus can change so if you are at higher risk of severe illness it is important that you top up your protection.
You can find out the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccine at
For more information about walk-in clinics click here
To book, change or cancel a COVID-19 vaccination appointment click here
Seasonal COVID-19 vaccine
If you or your child are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine this spring, make sure you come forward for this extra protection between 1 April – 17 June 2025.
The NHS will be sending out invitations but you do not need to be invited to book your COVID-19 spring vaccine.
The vaccine is available to those at higher risk of severe illness, including:
- People aged 75 or over on 17 June 2025
- Individuals with a weakened immune system
- Residents of older adult care homes
You can check your eligibility and book online on the NHS website.
Getting your COVID-19 vaccine is very convenient, with thousands of appointments available across the country every day (usually pharmacies and GP practices).
To book, you can:
- Download the NHS App and make an appointment
- Visit the NHS Website booking page.
- Visit a walk in site. These can be found here.
- Call 119 for free if you can’t get online (translators are available)
You can find out the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccine on the NHS website.