

There are two services that support referral management from GP practices and Community Opticians within Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.

The Referral Assessment Service (RAS) and Telford Referral and Quality Service (TRAQS) manage GP and Community Optician referrals for patients registered to a medical practice within the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin locality.

The Ras service currently support 40 Shropshire GP practices, as well as 10 Welsh Border practices, further information about the Welsh Border practices can be found in the link included. TRAQS currently support 13 practices within Telford and Wrekin.

Once it has been decided that a referral is necessary, they are created electronically by the GP or optician who send these directly to RAS or TARQS (dependant on the medical practice a patient is registered to). The referral will be reviewed by one of our fully trained staff to ensure all the relevant information has been received and will be processed to the appropriate provider.

RAS and TRAQS enables patients to be seen in the right place, first time. This may be in a GP practice setting, in a community health clinic, or at a hospital – whichever is seen as the most appropriate and meets the needs of the patient’s referral.

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin recognises that sometimes referrals are made outside the area that is not subject to patient choice. To maximise convenience for patients and investment in local services, NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin actively promotes local referrals wherever a clinically equivalent service exists.

Opening Times

RAS and TRAQS are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays.

Contacting our Services:


Phone: 03300 248 283

Professional e-mail:

Patient e-mail:


Phone: 01952 580 441

Professional & Patient e-mails:


Patient Information

Further supporting information including FAQ is available here.


GP Practice Information

Further supporting information including FAQ is available here.


Cross Border Welsh Patients

Further supporting information including FAQ is available here.

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Page last updated 14 March 2024

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments