Information for host families
The NHS is free for everyone, and migrants do not need immigration status, ID or proof of address to register with a doctor.
There's more information and some helpful printouts at the bottom of the page.
Are you a refugee?
Click here for more information about our services
Here’s a handy checklist:

Make sure your guests register with a GP practice as soon as they arrive. Please don’t wait until they are already ill.

Book an initial appointment with a doctor. GPs have been asked to help identify refugees’ medical needs and refer them to partner organisations if required.
This appointment can also be helpful to identify any immunisations needed, including the Covid-19 vaccine.

Explain that the NHS has a range of services, from pharmacies to urgent hospital care.

If they have a mobile phone, save 999, 111 and your GP surgery’s phone number as important contacts.

Across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin we have a range of mental health support services that can help.
For refugees arriving with young children, please use our local health visitor service.
Health visitors offer support and advice to families on a variety of topics including child weight, breastfeeding, supporting new mothers with post-natal depression, baby weaning, parenting programmes and putting parents in touch with a variety of specialist services that can support them and their child’s healthy development. Click here.