Welcome to NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

We are here to help you find the right medical care.

The National Health Service (NHS) provides free healthcare to everyone across the UK, and this page has been created to bring lots of useful information together to help.

Please make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page where there are helpful print-outs.

Are you hosting a refugee

Click here for more resources


How the NHS works | Як працює NHS

We offer lots of medical services from hospital care to new glasses.

You don’t need proof of address, ID or immigration status to register with a doctor.

Where to get help | Як та де отримати медичну допомогу

GP | Клініка сімейного лікаря

A doctor can help with most health problems and prescribe medicines.

Call and ask for a health check to chat about your needs and update your vaccinations.

NHS 111

Call 111 anytime from any phone to get urgent medical help.

Say ‘Interpreter please’. They can book night time doctor appointments or give advice.

Pharmacy | Аптека

Most towns and large villages have a pharmacist that can help you with small health problems – such as tummy trouble, sore throats and skin reactions. They also sell basic medicines.

Emergency Services | Служби надзвичайних ситуацій

Call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured, and their life is at risk. An ambulance will come to help.

If you have a medical emergency, we have two large hospitals: one hospital in Shrewsbury and one in Telford. Our Accident and Emergency departments (A & E) are open 24/7 all year, and you don’t need an appointment. Sometimes you will be admitted to hospital to continue your care.

If you have seriously harmed yourself or are about to do so, call 999 or go to hospital. If you are thinking about suicide call the charity Samaritans on 116 123 for support. Mental Health Shropshire also offers a hotline and support groups across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin – call 01743 368647.

Walk-in centres | Центри без попереднього запису та вiльного доступу

You don’t always need to go to a big hospital. We have Minor Injury Units (MIUs) across Shropshire and Telford which help with cuts, broken bones, sprains and infections.

Community services | Послуги громади

The NHS offer some health services in the community. These include help with pregnancy, antenatal services, (before birth, during or relating to pregnancy) child health, contraception (sexual health) and mental health therapists.

Refugees with young children

For refugees arriving with young children, please use our local health visitor service.

Health visitors offer support and advice to families on a variety of topics including child weight, breastfeeding, supporting new mothers with post-natal depression, baby weaning, parenting programmes and putting parents in touch with a variety of specialist services that can support them and their child’s healthy development. Click here.

Woman receiving injection from healthcare professional

Routine Vaccinations

Click the links below for advice in Ukrainian.

MMR immunisation leaflet

More information and guidance is available on our local councils' websites and refugee charity, Shropshire Supports Refugees website | Додаткову інформацію та рекомендації можна отримати у місцевій раді

Shropshire Council | Шропширська рада

Telford and Wrekin Council | Телфорд та Врекiн рада

Shropshire Supports Refugees | Благодiйна органiзацiя для пiдтримки бiженцiв в Шропшир

Additional resources | переглянути додаткові документи, як можуть бути корисними

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Page last updated 3 June 2024

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments