NHS England and NHS Improvement have launched MyType1Diabetes, a free online platform to support adults to manage their Type 1 diabetes. The service is available at: www.mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk.

MyType1Diabetes, provided by MyWay Digital Health, includes tailored advice and information created by NHS experts in diabetes.

Adults with Type 1 diabetes can use this platform to access lots of information about diabetes, including videos, leaflets and eLearning courses, to learn and understand more about their Type 1 diabetes and increase their confidence in how to manage it.

Patient FAQs

What does MyType1Diabetes contain?

Good quality information on Type 1 diabetes which is all clinically approved and reviewed by patients so is trustworthy.

Plus, four structured e-learning courses once you have registered:

  • Understanding Type 1
  • Growing up with Type 1
  • Considering an insulin pump?
  • My insulin pump.

How does the platform support my learning?

Before you start any of the courses you will be asked to answer a few questions and to set goals about your diabetes self-care and how important this is to you.

There are regular check points during the courses to help embed learning and there is a post-course questionnaire so you can reflect on the impact of the course for you. This is also helpful for us to continually evaluate and improve the content for future users.

How do I register for MyType1Diabetes?

You can view the public site without registering, but to sign up for an eLearning course, please go to this website www.mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk and click on the blue ‘Register’ button. You will then be asked to enter the following:

GP practice, first name, last name, date of birth, email address and NHS number.

Have a password in mind and follow the guidance on the black info button to make it secure.

You will also be asked for three forms of consent around data use. Whilst only one is mandatory to get on to the platform the other two enable us to support you even further – the choice is yours.

Do I need to pay anything?

The platform has been fully funded by the NHS, so is free for users in England to access.

Can my friends and family use this too?

The public information website is available for everyone to use and you, your family and friends can individually register to go through the eLearning course content. This can help you build up a support network across your contacts.

What happens to my data?

Firstly, your data is stored on a secure server so it is very safe. What happens next depends on which of the consent options you choose.

If you only consent to use the platform, we will share only a minimum data set which does not include your name or full address for national audit purposes only (unless there is a legal cause for us to share more).

If you consent for us to share information with your local GP practice, we will update them on your activity in the eLearning courses so they can also support your progress. If you choose to, we will keep you up to date with any developments and updates.

How can I give feedback?

Please use the “contact us” link and form which you will find in the footer at the bottom of the site. Or you can email directly: support.myway@nhs.net.

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Page last updated 24 March 2021

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