What it is and who is it for?

NHS Diabetes Advice is provided by NHS England and NHS Improvement in response to disruption to normal services due to the COVID-19 pandemic and response.

The service is for adults living with diabetes who use insulin to manage their condition and require immediate advice from a team of clinical advisors.

Whether they or a member of their household have caught the virus, or routine care has been disrupted, the helpline can provide clinical advice to help them understand how to effectively manage their diabetes.

How do patients access it?

The helpline is accessible via Diabetes UK’s support line on 0345 123 2399. It is open Monday to Friday from 9am – 6pm.

What clinical advice will the helpline provide?

NHS Diabetes Advice supports adults living with either type of diabetes who use insulin to manage their condition, and who require clinical advice on topics such as: Hyperglycaemia, Hypoglycaemia, Sick day rules and Missed injections.

However, the service is not intended to replace routine care, support paediatric patients or support pregnant patients. These patients are advised to contact their own doctor or care team.

Who are the clinical advisors?

NHS Diabetes Advice clinical advisors are volunteers. They are all health professionals with expertise in diabetes. All the advisors providing advice are clinically trained and competent.

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Page last updated 24 March 2021

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