The Importance of Winter Vaccination

Flu and Covid-19 can be life-threatening and spread more easily in winter when we are crowded together inside. 

If you get flu and Covid-19 at the same time, research shows you’re more likely to be seriously ill. Getting vaccinated against flu and Covid-19 will provide protection for you and those around you, ‘Think self-care’ and get protected this winter. 

It is important to top up your protection, even if you have had a vaccine or been ill with flu or Covid-19 before, as immunity fades over time and these viruses change each year. 

Adults at greater risk of serious illness and children can get a free flu vaccine, seasonal Covid-19 vaccine or both. The best way to protect ourselves from these viruses is to get vaccinated. 

The Winter Vaccination Programme, which offers flu and Covid-19 vaccines, is underway in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. 

Dr Nick White, Chief Medical Officer at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, said: “Vaccinations are our best defence against flu and Covid-19 ahead of what could be a very challenging winter. 

“As it always does, the NHS will help protect people against these viruses, first offering protection to children to help stop the spread of flu, then offering eligible adults both vaccines to ensure maximum protection. 

“The NHS is working hard to ensure all those eligible are can receive a vaccination ahead of the winter months. Please come forward to get your protection against both covid and flu if you are eligible – it will help protect you and those around you. 

“It is important that those eligible this year come forward for their vaccinations as protection fades over time, and the virus that causes flu can change from year to year.” 

To book your Covid-19 or Flu vaccination 

We are encouraging adults who are eligible for the vaccinations to visit the National Booking Service or call 119 to book their free vaccine. 

And recommending that parents of 2 and 3 year olds book their child's flu vaccine nasal spray with their General Practice, usually given by the practice nurse. 

School-aged children are mainly being offered the vaccination in school, with further opportunities to get vaccinated, potentially at NHS community clinics, for anyone who misses the session at school. 

Children who are home educated will be offered the vaccine if they are in an eligible age group. Parents can get information about arrangements from their Local Authority Education Department.

Page last updated 17 November 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments