Social Prescribing in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

Social Prescribing is a free and confidential service to help people improve their health and wellbeing.

In Shropshire our fully integrated Social Prescribing programme helps thousands of people each year take charge of their own health and wellbeing and improve their lives. As a population with hidden inequalities and 66% of the population living a rurally; reaching people in need can be tricky but is vital for improving population health.

Working in partnership across health, care and voluntary and community sector, our social prescribing programme reaches those most in need. Developed with local, national and international evidence base, the programme demonstrates significantly improved health outcomes for clients. The programme has been such a success that Shropshire leads both the Midlands Social Prescribing Steering Group and the Midlands Children and Young People Action Learning Group.

Shropshire’s programme is a non-medical approach designed to help people with a wide range of social, emotional, physical or practical needs, including caring, long-term conditions, lifestyle (smoking or weight), mental health, loneliness and isolation. It uses a person centred, preventative approach by intervening early, or by working alongside health and care practitioners in more complex cases. Clients have the space to talk one to one with a trained Link Worker (known locally as Healthy Lives Advisors) and come up with a plan of action together, to help resolve health and wellbeing concerns and help put the person back in charge of their life. Our Advisors are fully trained in motivational interviewing, behaviour change and health coaching.

Working closely with our valued partners in the voluntary and community sector, the programme connects people to services or activities in their community. With the support of a trained advisor, people are able to access further support and community groups in their area, such as walking groups, befriending, housing advice, fitness classes, social activities, employment support and much more.

You can find out more about our Social Prescribing offer here: Social prescribing in Shropshire | Shropshire Council

Page last updated 14 September 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments