Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
What is ‘Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)?
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is Quality Improvement (QI) approach at a system level, building the capacity and capability for Quality Improvement by individuals, teams, services and organisations. This system approach to Continuous Quality Improvement often requires a flexibility that broadly aligns to a set of common improvement principles and practices.
The primary aim being to work together to co-produce measured and sustained improvements that provide improved outcomes and experiences for those people that use our health and care services.
Our shared system Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) principles include:
- Keeping people at the centre by involving Service Users, Carers and staff in all elements of change
- Through use of an agreed method and facilitative approach to change to allow for the testing of changes in a controlled manner
- By using data to identify and understand problems, assess impact of change and evidence improvements
- Having leaders that support, empower, challenge and unblock to support change
Our shared priorities to deliver this are to:
- Build capacity and capability to undertake Quality Improvement
- Embed Quality Improvement through all levels of change
- Share best practice and learn together
System CQI is most effective when adopting a collaborative approach, involving staff, partner organisations and customers of our services (service users and carers).
We, therefore, invite all of our Integrated Care System partners, staff and members of the public to be a part of Continuous Quality Improvement across our Integrated Care System.

Intro to Continuous Quality Improvement
- Connect and learn through our Quality Improvement Network. This is our main forum open to all those interested in improving services, where we Connect, Learn, Share and Improve, with interactive sessions, exploring how we can improve the patient experiences and outcomes though the use of quality improvement tools and techniques. Join our growing membership today to receive invites to our events and quarterly updates with links to many QI tools and resources. Click here to register to join our growing members of our Quality Improvement Network or click here to find out more.
- Learn through our system Continuous Quality Improvement training opportunities, tools and resources
- Share your idea for system quality improvement that crosses multiple services/organisations and/or share your learning from a quality improvement project that you have been involved with
- Improve our approach through involvement and co-production of Continuous Quality Improvement projects. Have you, or someone you have cared for, used our services and could be our ‘expert by experience’ (the voice of the customer) on our next system improvement project?
Contact us today for all your system quality improvement queries by emailing systemCQI@mpft.nhs.uk