Urgent and Emergency Care winter pressures research launched
19 December 2022
NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin wants to support people to access the right services and understand how to make the right choice.
A survey has been launched to help the NHS gain a better understanding of public awareness of the range of urgent and emergency services available to them, and how they choose to access care.
With Accident and Emergency (A&E) and urgent care services under significant pressure this winter, it is more important than ever that patients seek treatment in the right place. This year, the number of people visiting A&E at either the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital or the Princess Royal Hospital, Telford is significantly higher than previous years. Around half of people who visit A&E could have been treated at another service, such as a Minor Injury Unit or Urgent Treatment Centre, where they would be seen more quickly than at A&E.
The findings from the survey will be used to help health and care professionals in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin better understand why people access health services in the way that they do. This insight will enable the NHS to support people to make the best choices about how and where to access the help they need.
Edna Boampong, Director of Communications and Engagement at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, said: “We recognise that our services are under a lot of pressure at the moment, and we are trying to understand what people know about the range of services that are available for them to access in an urgent or emergency situation. The survey will enable us to explore these issues in more detail and to gather valuable insight from local communities.
“By completing our short survey, you will be helping us shape how we inform people about the services available to them. As we head into the colder months, knowing which local health service to use and when, will make sure everyone in our local community gets the right help at the right time”.
Participate in the survey here
The survey will remain open until midnight on Tuesday 27 December 2022. Paper copies of the survey can be obtained by emailing stw.communications@nhs.net or telephoning us on 01952 580300.
Page last updated 20 December 2022