Here you will find information about our legacy policies and procedures from Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin CCG. We are currently in the process of adapting these for NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.
This webpage will be regularly reviewed to ensure it is as up-to-date as possible.
The aim of this policy is to protect employees from bullying or harassment and to enable staff, if necessary, to make a complaint or to assist in an investigation without fear of reprisal.
This policy sets out the CCG’s approach to the management of sickness absence to enable it to operate effectively and actions to support employees to attend work regularly and to ensure that they are treated in a consistent, fair and sympathetic manner.
This policy and associated procedure seeks to support and inform the implementation of apprenticeship programmes in the CCG to meet current and future workforce needs.
Appraisal, Objectives and Performance Review (including Pay Progression) Policy
This policy sets out the CCG’s approach to performance review, talent management and pay progression.
Annual Leave and Bank Holiday Policy
This policy provides managers and employees with guidance on the application and management of all annual leave and bank holiday entitlements to ensure that all staff take adequate rest away from work whilst maintaining the needs of the service.
This policy sets out how the CCG manages challenging behaviour and actions to be taken in order to protect staff from violent, aggressive, abusive or disruptive behaviour.
This policy is intended to enable and support line managers and employees within the CCG to comply with appropriate legislation and the CCG’s Health and Safety Policy, and the Employee Expenses Policy and Procedure, for the use of vehicles driven by employees whilst on CCG business.
The purpose of this policy and guidelines it contains is to reduce and prevent risks involved to members of staff undertaking lone working as part of their daily work routine for the CCG.
The purpose of this policy is to create a working environment where the good mental health and well-being of its employees is paramount and where colleagues feel valued and protected.
This policy provides guidance to employees on what to do if an employee is injured or falls ill at work, and how to do their role safely and efficiently.
The procedure highlights the importance of ensuring that good Health and Safety management systems are in place, and that the accurate and timely reporting of accidents, incidents and near misses within the CCG can enable lessons to be learnt and changes to be implemented, where identified.
The aim of this policy is to ensure that staff are not subjected to unacceptable levels of risk to their health or safety when using display screen equipment (DSE).
Page last updated 20 June 2022