This webpage will be regularly reviewed to ensure it is as up-to-date as possible.

Safeguarding Children Policy (SG001)

This policy sets out NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICB’s approach to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.


Safeguarding Adults Policy (SG002)

The purpose of this policy is to outline to all staff the commitment to adult safeguarding through the ICB’s commissioning activity so that the six principles of Adult Safeguarding are enshrined in all the services commissioned via contracting arrangements.


Court of Protection Policy (SG014)

The purpose of this Policy is to provide all Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS) colleagues with practical information about the Court of Protection, the Mental Capacity Act and the circumstances when the ICS may have a role before the Court.


Prevent Policy (SG013)

The primary aim of this policy is to ensure that adults at risk of harm and vulnerable children are protected from any form of radicalisation and that staff members, and volunteers are able to identify any possible signs of radicalisation and raise their concerns with their line manager.


Failed Contact Protocol for all Staff working with Children and Young People (SG012)

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICB acknowledges practitioners are often faced with difficult decisions when they are unable to make contact with or gain access to clients or clients and their carers disengage.  This protocol is to be used by staff when unable to make contact with or obtain access to children and young people.



Looked After Children Resource Pack for GP and Practice Staff (SG011)

Primary Care Services have an important role to play in the identification of the individual health care needs of children and young people who are looked after.  They often have prior knowledge of the child or young person looked after, of the birth parents and of carers, helping them to take a holistic and child-centred approach to health care decisions and may also have continuing responsibility for the child or young person when they return home.


Safeguarding Training Policy (SG010)

The purpose of this document is to clarify the level and frequency of safeguarding training that is expected for all ICB staff. Provider organisations commissioned by the ICB are each required to have their own safeguarding strategy.


Shropshire Multi Agency Mental Capacity Act Guidance (SG009)

The Mental Capacity Act helps ensure that people, especially those who may experience some difficulties in making decisions for themselves owing to conditions that effect the mind or brain, are both empowered and protected. This Policy explains what actions a range of professionals must do to help individuals make decisions for themselves or the steps they need to take to help safeguard people when they may lack capacity to make those specific decisions for themselves. It is vital that professionals follow proper steps and the Mental Capacity Act and Code of Practice to ensure they comply with the law and uphold the human rights of those they work with.


Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (SG008)

As both a local leader in commissioning health services for the population of Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and as an employer, the ICB provides the following statement in respect of its commitment to, and efforts in, preventing slavery and human trafficking practices in the supply chain and its employment practices.


Managing Allegations Against Staff and Persons in a Position of Trust (SG007)

This policy relates to circumstances when an allegation is made that a child/young person or adult with care and support needs is suffering or likely to suffer harm caused by an employee/worker from NHS Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin ICB or that an employee’s behaviour indicates they are unsuitable to work with children or adults with care and support needs.


Safeguarding Declaration (SG006)

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICB is committed to the protection of vulnerable children and adults. The ICB will execute its statutory duties under the Children Act 2004 and the Care Act 2014 by ensuring that all staff are trained to the required level according to their role and responsibilities. The principle philosophy is that safeguarding is everybody’s business and all staff will respond to concerns, raise safeguarding awareness and address any emerging issues.

The ICB will ensure that all health services contracted by it have robust processes in place to prevent, identify and act upon abuse of any patient, this includes those services having clear accessible policy and procedures, safer recruitment, training and governance systems.


Safeguarding Supervision Policy (SG005)

Comprehensive children’s and adult safeguarding supervision arrangements are required to ensure that appropriate advice and supervision is available to all staff, commensurate with their role.


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Page last updated 19 July 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments