SEND reinspection – have your say

14 November 2022

As part of the Shropshire Local Area SEND reinspection, there will be two opportunities for parent carers to meet with inspectors to share their experiences with them.

  • Monday 21 November 7-8pm Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC) will host a virtual meeting via MS Teams. Please email for the link.
  • Tuesday 22 November 10-11am Shropshire Parent and Carer Council will host a face-to-face meeting at a location in Shrewsbury yet to be confirmed. Please email for full details.

The inspection team are seeking to understand the improvements made in Shropshire's six areas of significant weakness. Please note that any other issues or concerns will not be taken into account in their judgement decision making. However, PACC would still like to know about these as they continue to champion system improvements. Please email comments to with the subject "Feedback".

Parent Carer Survey

You can also share your experiences with the inspection team via their Parent Carer Survey, which is accessible via this link which will be open from Monday 14 - Friday 18 November 2022.

Page last updated 14 November 2022

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments