Report highlights positive impact of Telford SEND services

3 July 2023

The ‘passion and determination’ of local organisations is leading to positive outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in Telford and Wrekin, according to an Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report.

The inspection report goes on to highlight that children and young people with SEND are visible, valued and included in the Telford and Wrekin community.

The report outcome stated that the local area partnership’s arrangements typically lead to positive experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND and that the local area partnership is taking action where improvements are needed.

The review looked at how well Telford & Wrekin Council, NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, health providers, and education settings identify, assess, and meet the needs of children and young people with SEND and improve their experience and outcomes.

The next full area SEND inspection will be within 5 years.

Cllr Shaun Davies, Lead of Telford & Wrekin Council, said: “Enabling and supporting some of our most vulnerable children to be healthy, happy, and safe and achieve their full potential is a priority for us and I am delighted with the feedback that families feel involved and listened to.

“The report outcome is a considerable achievement and is reassuring to know it is the highest possible outcome under the new inspection framework.

“We have worked hard to strengthen our local partnership and develop a joined-up approach to SEND.

“It is particularly heartening to hear that children and young people value the range of services and activities on offer and the care and support we have put in place is making a difference to their lives.

Cllr Shirley Reynolds, Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Young People at Telford & Wrekin Council, said: “While we have made some really positive progress, we know we have more to do, and we will continue to work with all our partners to develop the support available and raise awareness of what’s on offer to improve the experiences and outcomes for families.

“Thank you to everyone, the families, parents and carers, and organisations providing care and support, who took the time to input into and contribute to the inspection.”

The report identifies several areas where progress has been effective including Education, Health and Care Plans, the implementation of the ‘belonging strategy’, the approach to absence levels and educational progression and transition, listening to and acting on the views of parents and carers, multi-agency support for speech and language and communication needs, and social care support.

Gareth Robinson, Executive Director of Delivery and Transformation for NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, said: “I welcome the findings of the report and I am really pleased it recognises the passion, determination, and commitment of all partners and the joined up working between education, health and social care.

“The report demonstrates we are heading in the right direction. However, it clearly sets out what else we need to do to ensure that children and young people’s needs are addressed in a timely manner going forward.”

The report recommends that leaders in NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin work closely with partners to improve the governance, monitoring, and oversight of diagnostic pathways for children and young people with SEND.

Gareth continued: “We are committed to improve our pathways, including neurodevelopmental, mental health and speech and language therapy assessments, to support children and young people both with their physical and mental health needs.

“We are reassured that the inspectors considered the plans in place across NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and our health providers to be sufficiently comprehensive to make progress in these areas.”

“It is our intention to keep evaluating what we do as a partnership and listen to families to ensure we continue to improve and apply the learning across the whole of the county.”

In response to the report’s recommendations, Telford and Wrekin Council, along with NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, and its partners, will update the strategic plan for SEND which will be published later this year.

To read the Ofsted/CQC report, go to

Page last updated 3 July 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments