Parents encouraged to check children are fully protected from serious illness
17 February 2023
NHS leaders in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are encouraging parents across the county to check their children are fully up to date with routine immunisations this February Half Term.
Recent data suggests that one in ten children in England are not up to date with their vaccinations, which is a worrying statistic. The local NHS are therefore keen to ensure all children are protected from common infectious illnesses.
Children aged between 0 and 5 require a range of routine immunisations to protect against serious illness. Routine immunisations are given at ages eight weeks, twelve weeks, sixteen weeks, one year, and finally at three years and four months old (40 months).
These immunisations protect against illnesses such as meningitis, hepatitis B and measles. Children aged twelve to thirteen receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which protects against some cancers, and at fourteen have the 3-in1 teenage booster which protects against tetanus, diphtheria and polio.
Alison Bussey, Chief Nursing Officer at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin said: “February Half Term is the perfect opportunity for parents to ensure their child has had all their routine injections. We know how busy it can be being a parent, and so we’re encouraging people to take a few moments this Half Term to look at their child’s red book, check with their GP practice and book an appointment for any required immunisations.
“Teenagers are also eligible for routine immunisations, and although these usually happen at school it’s worth checking your child is fully vaccinated.”
Parents can contact their GP practice to check their child’s immunisation record or look in their child’s red book.
For further information on all routine immunisations, and when they are given, click here.
Page last updated 6 March 2023