“Hardworking Heather” awarded Star of the Month

11 May 2022

“Hardworking” Heather Cotton, a Finance Assistant at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), has been awarded this month’s Star of the Month.

The Star of the Month Award was launched last year as a way of recognising the commitment and dedication of staff members who go over and above what is expected of them in order to make a difference to patients, the public and/or colleagues.

Heather was nominated by Associate Director of Finance, Maria Tongue, for her work ensuring the finance team’s electronic records are archived correctly and for the invaluable support she provides to the finance team. Maria said: “Heather has worked tirelessly over the last few weeks.  This hasn’t been an easy task with some of the files being really large and the transfer crashing on occasions but she was committed to getting the work done to meet the deadline.

“She’s always ready to lend a hand with anything and is a real support to the team.”

The award was presented by Mark Brandreth, Interim Accountable Officer at the CCG during the CCG’s fortnightly virtual staff meeting. He said: “Heather has been working really hard doing a really important piece of work around archiving old finance files. It doesn’t sound very glamourous but, especially in the finance world, this job is so very important and she’s done it all with a really positive attitude and with a smile of her face.”

Heather said: “Thank you so much for this it really means a lot. It makes up for all the times my head hit the table on the occasions that my computer crashed and has really made me smile.”

Page last updated 11 May 2022

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments