Handwritten thanks, ward visits and special gifts to mark International Nurses Day
12 May 2022
Page last updated 12 May 2022

12 May 2022
An annual global celebration, International Nurses Day takes place today (12 May 2022) and is held to acknowledge and celebrate the commitment and bravery of those in the nursing profession around the world.
The day commemorates the birth of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale, and provides an opportunity to celebrate and thank all our nurses for their hard work, dedication and expertise.
Alongside gifts and handwritten notes from local school children, nurses across the county will enjoy ward visits from senior staff members to share their personal thanks, as well as a series of personal ‘day in the life’ talks to share helpful insights into successful nursing initiatives.
Vanessa Whatley, Deputy Director of Nursing and Quality at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), says: “International Nurses Day is an important date in the NHS calendar. It provides us all with an opportunity to celebrate those who work in the nursing profession, and to say a big thank you.
“Our nurses across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin play a hugely valuable role in the NHS, whether they work in primary care, mental health, community, care homes, or hospitals.
“The last two years have been exceptionally challenging for our nurses, they have battled through these tough times with resilience and determination. I would like to share my personal thanks to all nursing staff in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin – and beyond.”
Page last updated 12 May 2022