Do you know the healthcare professionals of the future?

19 May 2022

When: Thursday 19 May 4.30pm and Tuesday 24 May 4.30pm For: All young people aged 14-19 Where: Virtual event Organised by: ICS People Team  The Integrated Care System for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin have partnered with Springpod to host live events for students aged 14-19. The aim is to inspire our young people to consider…

New nursing recruitment event launched to mark International Nurses Day

12 May 2022

As part of celebrations to mark this year’s International Nurses Day (Thursday 12 May), NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin has announced the launch of a new careers event, showcasing the diverse range of roles available to aspiring healthcare professionals in the county. The careers event will take place on Wednesday 22 June at the Ramada…

Handwritten thanks, ward visits and special gifts to mark International Nurses Day

An annual global celebration, International Nurses Day takes place today (12 May 2022) and is held to acknowledge and celebrate the commitment and bravery of those in the nursing profession around the world. The day commemorates the birth of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale, and provides an opportunity to celebrate and thank all…

People eligible for a Spring Booster urged to come forward and not wait

3 May 2022

Health leaders in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are urging those that are eligible for the spring booster to come forward and book an appointment. This call comes amidst concern that some people, particularly those aged 75 and over, who are eligible now for their next vaccination are choosing to wait until they are called in…

Temporary closure of the children’s eye-care service

26 April 2022

A joint statement from the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group: “Due to staffing issues, the very difficult decision has been taken to temporarily close the Paediatric Ophthalmology service at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) to new patients until further notice. “The Paediatric Ophthalmology…

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS system critical incident remains in place.

14 April 2022

The incident is in relation to increasing numbers of patients with covid in our hospitals and extremely high levels of staff sickness across our health and care system along with high levels of service demand across the sector. There are three issues: We currently have 135 covid positive patients in hospital. This is causing significant…

Local health and care providers launch new inclusive online experience

6 April 2022

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin integrated Care System (ICS) partners have launched a new inclusive online tool to enable website visitors to access online content and services barrier-free. The ICS have signed up alongside Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group, Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust and Shropshire Partners in Care to the accessibility tool, Recite…

Eid al-Fitr: the Feast of Breaking the Fast approaches for Muslims

2 April 2022

The Rurality and Equalities Team at Shropshire Council spoke to Sohayb Peerbhai, Imam at the Craven Arms mosque, who explains all about Eid and what it means to him. The exact timing of Eid is based on the sighting of the moon. This year, Sohayb tells us that Ramadhan is expected to end on the evening…

Page last updated 3 May 2022

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments