Parents encouraged to check children are fully protected from serious illness

17 February 2023

NHS leaders in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are encouraging parents across the county to check their children are fully up to date with routine immunisations this February Half Term. Recent data suggests that one in ten children in England are not up to date with their vaccinations, which is a worrying statistic. The local NHS…

National industrial action update

16 February 2023

  The NHS and Local Authorities in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are working hard to keep people safe during the planned strikes, while delivering the best care possible.  The ambulance services’ next planned industrial action is on Friday 17 February, Monday 6 March and Monday 20 March while nurses’ strikes are planned for Wednesday 1…

Advice offered to reduce the stress of weaning

“Weaning needn’t be a stressful time for parents, as there’s lots of support available” is part of the reassuring message being shared by Health Visitors across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Local healthcare professionals are offering advice to parents on introducing solid food to their baby’s diet. A national NHS campaign has re-launched this week to…

Local NHS gets ready to ramp up lifesaving tests

13 February 2023

Shropshire patients will soon benefit from quicker access to tests, checks and scans when a brand-new community diagnostic centre opens in Telford later this summer. The government has approved the community diagnostic centre (CDC), one of four in the Midlands region, providing tests and treatments away from the acute hospitals. Led by Shropshire, Telford and…

Have your say on local health and care services – join the Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation

Healthcare leaders at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are encouraging people across the county to join the Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation. Residents are invited to have their say to help improve local health and care services, and to get involved by attending upcoming public meetings. The Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation aims to understand…

Hospitals Transformation Programme – Latest News

10 February 2023

Can you help us improve hospital services? Following a formal public consultation, we are now developing and moving forward with plans to improve our hospital services through the Hospitals Transformation Programme (HTP). We want you, our local communities and patients, to have the opportunity to get involved and give your views and feedback to help…

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS welcomes Dr Masood Ahmed as new Deputy Chief Medical Officer

8 February 2023

Dr Masood Ahmed will be joining NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin as the System Chief Clinical Information Officer and Deputy Chief Medical Officer this month. He will lead the digital clinical strategy and collaboration with clinical leaders across the county. Dr Ahmed is a respected and accomplished NHS leader with a strong focus on innovation,…

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Falls Emergency Service Pilot Project

7 February 2023

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council have been working together to develop a pilot programme to support people across the county who are at risk of falls or have fallen and need a response service. Every month around 850 people who have fallen are conveyed to hospital by ambulance,…

National industrial action update

2 February 2023

  The NHS and Local Authorities in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are working hard to keep people safe during the planned strikes, while delivering the best care possible.  The ambulance services’ next planned industrial action is on Monday 6 February and Monday 20 February, while nurses’ strikes are planned for Monday 6 February and Tuesday…

New video series launched to increase awareness of LGBTQIA+

1 February 2023

To provide an informative and empathetic insight into the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ people working within our system, the Integrated Care System (ICS) is delighted to launch a series of awareness-raising videos to celebrate LGBT+ History Month. (For those not familiar, LGBTQIA+ is used to signify Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and others…

Page last updated 6 March 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments