Integrated Care System launches innovative preceptorship programme

12 October 2022

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS) has launched a new preceptorship programme this month, to support newly qualified nurses, Allied Health Professionals and midwives in their early career journey. There will be a series of events hosted for new colleagues over the coming months, the first of which took place this week. Preceptorship…

Racial Equality Pledges: one year on

11 October 2022

One year on from pledging a shared commitment to racial equality, health leaders in the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS) continue their efforts to reduce inequalities and create a culture of inclusiveness. The racial equality, diversity and inclusion pledges forcefully reject all forms of racism and discrimination, commit to protecting and promoting…

Working together to improve outpatient services

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin is working with people, carers, health professionals and local service providers to improve outpatient services. Outpatients are when someone has an appointment in a hospital or clinic but does not need to stay overnight. COVID-19 had a significant impact on the amount of planned care the NHS across the country…

Local events scheduled to shape the future of diabetes care

10 October 2022

Residents in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin who live with, or are affected by, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes will be given the opportunity to learn more about how to live well with the condition through two scheduled events. Diabetes UK is hosting the first of these two events on Tuesday 18 October between 6-8pm…

COVID-19 Autumn Booster roll-out off to a good start in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

6 October 2022

  The NHS autumn booster campaign in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin has got off to a great start with over 60,000 vaccines delivered in just over three weeks of the programme and thousands already booked in for the weeks ahead. Steve Ellis, Programme and Service Director for Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin’s Vaccination Service, said: “With…

“GPs are under an unprecedented workload pressure, far more than I have seen in my 20 year history as a partner” says local doctor

3 October 2022

A Shropshire GP has spoken of the ‘unprecedented’ pressures which have been placed on surgeries since the pandemic. With medical staff bracing themselves for a challenging autumn and winter, Dr Stefan Waldendorf has reached out to frustrated patients looking for appointments, and urged them to be tolerant, particularly of staff, who have at times faced…

Local NHS Launches New Asthma App For Children

30 September 2022

NHS Shropshire Telford and Wrekin are proud to be supporting the national #AskAboutAsthma week beginning Monday 3 October 2022. The week is being marked across the county with the launch of a new app aimed at helping children and young people to better manage their asthma. Around 5000 children and young people are registered as…

New Timescale for NHS111 Transfer Agreed

29 September 2022

A new timescale for the transfer of the NHS111 West Midlands contract has been agreed to ensure patients are unaffected by the change in provider during the busy winter period. In July it was announced that the current provider, West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS), would be stepping back from the contract and DHU Healthcare, who…

“Make sure your child is up to date with vaccinations” say health bosses

28 September 2022

“Ahead of the winter months, make sure your child is up to date with vaccinations”, say health bosses at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. If unsure, parents and carers are advised to check the record of immunisations within a child’s red book or call their GP practice to see if vaccinations have been missed. Children…

Vital Transformation Of Acute Care Services Moves Closer

23 September 2022

Vital plans to transform acute hospital services, which will help to improve health and care outcomes for communities across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and mid Wales, are progressing. This follows formal confirmation of the approval, subject to a number of conditions, of a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) of the Hospitals Transformation Programme at the end…

Page last updated 23 September 2022