Vaccination Update: 24.08.22

24 August 2022

The NHS in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin is busy planning for the forthcoming Autumn Booster rollout, which is scheduled to launch next month. The life-saving booster jab will be available from September for those people who are most at risk from Covid-19. The Autumn Booster jab will be offered to everyone aged 50 and over…

County Cancer Champions Launch

23 August 2022

A national programme to encourage more people to take up cancer screening appointments is being rolled out across the county – thanks to a successful bid for national funds and a new partnership between local health organisations. Nationally the NHS as part of its commitment to reducing health inequalities has launched a programme of work…

Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub: Open letter to councillors 

23 August 2022

Dear Shrewsbury Councillors:  Chris Lemon, Julia Evans, Kate Halliday, Alex Wagner, Julian Dean and Bernard Bentick,  Thank you for your letter that you sent to all the GP practices involved in the proposed Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub. We hope that this reply will answer some of your questions and provide factual information about the…

A nurse led service developed during the Covid-19 pandemic achieves gold standard for quality.

22 August 2022

The Physical Health Pathway is a nurse led service that developed six physical health clinics during the Covid-19 pandemic, extending its service provision to support secondary mental health services across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. The pathway team has been awarded a Gold Quality Award, presented virtually by Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) Chief Executive,…

Where you can get medical help this Bank Holiday weekend.

22 August 2022

Your GP practice may be closed on Monday 29 August, but a range of NHS services are still available depending on your medical need. Pharmacists are expert health professionals who can provide advice without an appointment and recommend over-the-counter treatments. They can help with issues such as colds, tummy troubles, hay fever, rashes, sexual health…

Partner news: Telford and Wrekin community joins forces to give people hope

19 August 2022

The ‘’Project Hope Telford’’ event on Saturday 10 September (11am-3pm) has been organised by the local suicide prevention action group, Telford & Wrekin Council’s public health and housing teams and partners and those with lived experience.. It marks World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September and also recognises World Homeless Day which takes place a month later…

Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub: Open letter

18 August 2022

In response to an open letter received from five local retired GPs, Dr Charlotte Hart – Clinical Lead for the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub – has addressed the concerns raised. Thank you for your letter regarding the proposed Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub and for sharing your concerns. The project team (of whom I…

Successful bid to be a wave one implementer for CORE20PLUS Connectors Programme

18 August 2022

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, in partnership with Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Local Authorities, were successful in their bid to be selected as one of 11 sites across the country to become a wave one site to design and implement the NHSE Health Inequalities Core20PLUS Core Connectors programme. Core Connectors are people who are part…

‘Help Us, Help You’ spot the signs of lung cancer

17 August 2022

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin have launched a ‘Help Us, Help You’ lung cancer campaign, encouraging people with a cough lasting three weeks or more to contact their GP practice. Many people don’t realise that a cough for three weeks or more could be a sign of lung cancer and so it is vital that…

Shropshire Patient Group (SPG) needs new members

2 August 2022

Each General Practice should have a Practice Patient Group (PPG), which provides a way for patients and the public to have their say on medical services within the county. Set up 12 years ago, the Shropshire Patient Group (SPG) acts as a channel for information to pass between individual PPGs and NHS Shropshire, Telford and…

Page last updated 2 August 2022