Health and care staff coming together to talk patient safety

The Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS) is bringing together staff from across local health and care organisations to collectively focus on patient safety.

The event, happening later this month, is an opportunity to look at the new national approach to responding to patient safety incidents, placing greater emphasis on understanding how incidents happen.

The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF), replacing the current Serious Incident Framework (2015), sets out the NHS’s approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents for the purpose of learning and improving patient safety.

Roll out of PSIRF represents a significant shift in the way the NHS responds to patient safety incidents and is a major step towards establishing a safety management system across the NHS. It is a key part of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy.

The PSIRF supports the development and maintenance of an effective patient safety incident response system that integrates four key aims:

  • Compassionate engagement and involvement of those affected by patient safety incidents.
  • Application of a range of system-based approached to learning from patient safety incidents.
  • Considered and proportionate responses to patient safety incidents.
  • Supportive oversight focused on strengthening response system functioning and improvement.

The event (invitation only) will welcome partners from sectors across the ICS and promises to be a day of interesting speakers, networking, and collaboration and a significant step in the modernisation of the ICS’s Quality and Safety Agenda.

Page last updated 19 July 2023