Patient Participation Groups (PPGs)

Most local GP practices have Patient Participation Groups (PPGs). A PPG is a group of patients interested in health and healthcare issues, who want to get involved with and support the running of their local GP practice and wider Primary Care Network.

Most PPGs include members of practice staff and meet at regular intervals to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice, to improve the community’s health and to make sure patient experience is as good as it can be.

Contact your GP practice to find out more about its PPG.

Shropshire and Telford Patient Groups

We have two patient groups in our area - Shropshire Patient Group and Telford Patients First. They are both made up of patients and representatives drawn from the individual Patient Participation Groups and proactively gather and represent the feedback and experiences of residents and patients to inform the people who are responsible for planning, designing and delivering health and care services.

Find out more about Shropshire Patient Group on their website

For more information, please contact us

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Page last updated 2 August 2022

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments