Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub - Progress to date

Engagement activity to date has spanned a number of approaches.

An initial listening exercise was held in August/September 2021, in the form of a questionnaire, which asked patients to reflect on their experience of General Practice, how they accessed GP services currently, as well as which health and wellbeing services may be helpful to them or their local community within an integrated hub. This exercise received 1,287 responses.   

From feedback captured within this initial exercise, six focus groups were then co-ordinated in May/June 2022, which were held both online and in-person to discuss the proposal in more depth. Within these sessions, participants were taken through why there is a proposal for change in General Practice (via the Case for Change document), what this could mean for the Shrewsbury practices involved (and why change is necessary), and to provide opportunities for attendees to ask questions and to voice their views. 

As part of recruitment to the focus groups, members of the public were also asked whether they wished to be part of a Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG). This group was tasked with acting as a critical friend for the programme, a steering group for engagement and consultation, as well as feeding back on the options appraisal and site options process. The group have met regularly since its inception in August 2022 and will continue to meet until the Programme Team are in a position to consult formally on the proposal.  

Below you will find the engagement report for the first listening exercise as well as the presentation shared during the focus groups.

Focus Groups - May/June 2022

Our second phase of engagement for the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub was a series of in-person and online focus groups.

This was aimed at discuss GP practices in Shrewsbury and hear your views on using their services, explain how general practice is changing and why it needs to change and discuss the proposed new Health and Wellbeing Hub and understand your views on this.

Listening Exercise - August/September 2021


Our first phase of engagement for the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub was a listening exercise held between 23 August and 26 September 2021.

This was aimed to understand what’s important to local people when they are accessing GP services and their views on whether they think a health and wellbeing hub would be beneficial for themselves and the local community.

For more information on this, please find our full engagement document here.

This engagement document was written following the listening exercise and compiles all the feedback we received at this time. This includes demographic data, a summary of feedback from patients registered at practices currently involved in the project, as well as recommendations.

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Page last updated 19 April 2023

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