Musculoskeletal Services

We have started work to transform our musculoskeletal (MSK) services to improve the service for our patients and staff. Our ambition is to strengthen our community provision over the next five years to improve the care that people receive.

Our community MSK services include a range of specialisms and departments which are delivered by a number of providers with different referral routes, care pathways and operational practices. This has led to patients and clinicians often feeling frustrated by the time it takes for patient information to be passed from one service to another, resulting in delays to care and treatment.

By enabling our highly skilled teams across these services to work more closely and share patient information easily through a more joined up MSK model, we can remove these barriers and ensure people can access and move through and between our MSK services more smoothly.

The MSK programme of transformation is about making the referral process simpler, ensuring patients are seen by the most appropriate clinician, and reducing waiting times.

We are not proposing to reduce services nor limit the treatment options that are currently provided.

The transformation will be delivered in three phases over the coming years in partnership with people who use the services, our staff and stakeholders.

To read our frequently asked questions, please click here Musculoskeletal Transformation Programme FAQ May 22(002)

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Page last updated 5 August 2022

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