Change NHS: help build a health service fit for the future
The NHS has been there for us for over 76 years. But your help is needed to ensure it stays here for the next 76 years and does all it can to support the health of everyone.
A joint Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England team has been established to deliver a 10-Year Health Plan. This plan will be published in the Spring 2025. It is being co-developed with the public, staff and patients.
What does the plan cover?
The plan will set out how to create a truly modern health service designed to meet the changing needs of our changing population. This will be focused on the three parts or shifts that the Government, health service, and experts agree need to happen. This includes:
- moving care from hospitals to communities
- making better use of technology
- focussing on preventing sickness, not just treating it
Read more about the three shifts at the Change NHS website.
Watch this video about the 10-Year Plan:
Ways you have been involved
The Department of Health and Social Care, working alongside NHS England, launched Change NHS last October to hear the views, experiences, and ideas of the public and professionals to shape the new 10 Year Health Plan.
NHS organisations were asked to support the engagement in several ways: using the communications toolkit to promote the engagement opportunities, encouraging members of the public, carers, and staff to directly respond; submit a response as an organisation; and use a nationally provided toolkit to gather feedback directly.
NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin activity included: submitting a response on behalf of the organisation; creating bespoke communications toolkits for our different audiences to promote Change NHS; using all communication channels to encourage stakeholders to respond to Change NHS; sharing the engagement toolkit with Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) and community contacts; and offering online and in person workshops for staff to capture their views and ideas as well as online and in person sessions with VCSE and members of the public, with a focus on Core20PLUS and inclusion groups.
The number of participants for each workshop is detailed below:
Staff online huddle session: circa 160
Public and general VCSE online sessions: circa 39
VCSE face-to-face sessions (including long term mental health conditions, substance recovery, rural and digital exclusion, BAME, and learning disabilities): circa 37
Patient Participation Groups online session: circa 15
The feedback and insight, captured as part of the workshops, was shared with the national Change NHS team and is being analysed and themed in a report locally to inform our strategic decision-making. The report once signed off, and next steps, will be shared with those involved and be published on our website.
Thank you to everyone who got involved.