Home » Get Involved » Campaigns and toolkits » ‘Think Which Service’ campaign toolkit 2024/2025 » Think which service? campaign toolkit
Think which service? Campaign toolkit
As pressures continue to mount on our local health and care services, knowing which service to use and when will make sure everyone in our local community gets the right help at the right time. We have launched a multi-channel media campaign focused on helping people get quicker urgent care in the most appropriate place, and highlighting NHS 111 online, the Minor Injury Units, and pharmacies as key urgent care services.
Please see below links to key campaign resources that have been produced to help you support the campaign:
- Campaign Overview
- Research Summary
- Press Release
- Case Study Copy
- Social Media Assets
- Social Media Copy
- Newsletter Copy
- A4 Folded Leaflet
- Campaign Artwork
- Campaign Webpage
If you have any questions or require further materials, please contact the Communications Team at stw.communications@nhs.net