Vaccination tour has helped to reduce inequalities in Telford and Wrekin

Made up of individuals from the NHS, local councils and our communities, Betty the Vaccination Bus has been working to give everyone in the borough the opportunity to be vaccinated in a friendly and supportive way.

Debbie Wiltshire, Administrator of the Shropcom Vaccination Team, said: "Having just spent a shift working alongside two of your staff with the vaccination bus in Lightmoor, I wanted to pass on my appreciation of the support we received today from Tink and Kim. Their commitment, positivity and good humour really does make a difference. I'd therefore like to state my recognition, thanks and appreciation for their help and support when we're out there in the community. It hasn't gone unnoticed".

Using a community-centred and intelligence-led approach, locations are selected based on the lowest vaccine uptake at a Lower Super Output Area (LSOA). These areas are among the borough's most deprived and ethnically diverse communities. To highlight where Betty will be and when targeted communications are undertaken using location-based social media ad campaigns, text messaging and leafleting.

Between April and November this year, around 1,500 vaccinations have been delivered. As a result, Team Betty has improved access to vaccinations in the borough's most disadvantaged and diverse communities and narrowed vaccinated-related inequalities in Telford & Wrekin.

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Page last updated 27 January 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments