Transformation Of Asthma Services For Children And Young People

NHS Shropshire Telford and Wrekin has recently been successful in securing NHS England funding to support the transformation of asthma services for children and young people. This exciting programme includes Annual Asthma Reviews, 48 Hour Asthma Reviews for children post-hospital discharge, specialist training and partnership working.

A number of GP practices are currently involved in the early stages of this work, including the offer of Community Children’s Nurses (CCN) resources to support the delivery of annual asthma reviews. The CCN's have also been providing 48 hour reviews for children who have been admitted to the ward with an asthma exacerbation.

Going forward, the intention is to utilise learning and best practice to support primary care with children who are highlighted as high-risk. We are currently gathering feedback from GPs, which will begin to develop a picture around current services and identify any additional support which could be offered by the Asthma Leads.

If you would like to know more about the Asthma Programme or would like to be part of the Integrated Care System Asthma Group which meets for 1 hour per month please feel free to contact There will be future opportunities for parents of and children with asthma to get involved shortly.


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Page last updated 30 January 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments