Forms and GP Support Resources

GP Resources

  • Annual Health Check audit tool
  • Annual Health Checks for people with a learning disability
    Step-by-step toolkit from the RCGP and NHS England to help GPs and practice nurses make sure that people with a learning disability get timely access to the healthcare they need.
  • Annual Health Check resources
    Mencap and NHS England have worked together to produce two videos and a series of guides called ‘Don’t Miss Out’ to encourage people with a learning disability to check that their disability status is captured on their GP record.
  • Better health for people with a learning disability
    What social care staff need to know about GP learning disability registers, Annual Health Checks and the Summary Care Record.
  • Health Equality Framework
    An outcomes framework based on the determinants of health inequalities.
  • Improving End of Life Care
    End of life care is care that affects us all, at all ages; the living, the dying and the bereaved.
  • Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) local offer
    Shropshire’s local offer helps families, children, young people and professionals to support those with special educational needs or disabilities to find accurate and appropriate information so that they can make positive decisions about their lives.
  • Summary Care Record (SCR AI)
    Another way to help patients with a learning disability is by asking for their consent to add ‘additional information’ to their Summary Care Record (SCR AI). This will help improve quality of care for patients when and if they are treated by other services, including emergency and urgent care. SCR AI uses existing information already recorded in the GP system and therefore helps to reduce the need for data entry into numerous systems.

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Page last updated 29 March 2021

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments