NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Board Meetings
Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Board meetings, which are held in public but are not public meetings. This means that members of the public can watch the meeting, but it is not an open forum for contributions from the floor, nor a meeting where citizens can bring agenda items.
Please read the important information on how to observe our Board meetings held in public.
Seating is limited due to space restrictions and, therefore, advance registration for seating is required, as detailed below.
Observing our ICB Board meetings held in public – registration requirements:
- Email the Board Secretary at stw.board@nhs.net by 12:00hrs on the Monday prior to the meeting, providing your name, organisation (if applicable), and contact telephone number.
- You will receive an acknowledgement of your email and confirmation that a seat has been allocated to you (allocation will be on a first come, first served basis, and we are unable to accept requests after the deadline quoted above).
- Anyone arriving on the day without having reserved a seat in advance will only be able to gain access if all pre-registered seating has not been allocated – a space on the day without advance registration is not guaranteed.
There may also be a requirement to hold a private meeting of the Board on the same day, where confidential agenda items that cannot be disclosed in the public domain will be considered. In these situations, the meeting will be held privately (in accordance with section 1(2) of Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960).
Next Meeting
Date: Wednesday 26 March 2025
Time: 2.00pm
Location: Meeting Room 1, Wellington Civic Offices, Larkin Way, Tan Bank, Wellington, TF1 1LX
Please note: This meeting will be held in public as a face-to-face meeting and the requirement for advance registration for seating outlined above.
Agenda papers and appendices are available here.
Agenda papers for this meeting can be found on the 'Previous Board Meetings' webpage.
After this meeting has finished, a recording of it will be available below.
Can I submit a question?
Yes we will take questions from members of the public, as long as they relate to what is on the agenda and they are submitted in advance. All questions must be received at least 48 hours before the Board meeting (by 12.00noon on the Monday prior to the meeting).
To submit a question, you can:
Write to: NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, Wellington Civic Offices, Larkin Way, Tan Bank, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1LX
Email: stw.board@nhs.net
The questions and answers will be sent to the individual asking the question and published three weeks after the meeting. The questions and answers will also be included in the papers for the next scheduled meeting.
Please see further guidance below.
- NHS STW ICB accepts written questions only.
- Members of the public are requested to submit their question(s) in writing prior to the Board meeting. The deadline by which written questions need to be submitted is 12.00noon on the Monday prior to the meeting.
- We will accept your question(s) as long as it relates to the commissioning of health services in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, relates to the functions of the ICB and relevant to the meeting’s agenda.
- Questions submitted after the deadline, or about matters not linked to the agenda, will not be considered.
- The ICB has not imposed a maximum number of questions that one individual can raise. However, in order to balance the limitations on officer time to support responding to questions from the public, the Chair will determine what is a reasonable number of questions in the circumstances.
- Let us know if you have any interests in the question’s subject.
- If your question is complex, needs particular research, or data retrieval or analysis, we may defer your question. Depending on the detail of information required, we may ask you to submit it as Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
- The Chair of the Board’s decision to accept a question, and how it should be answered, is final. Grounds for not accepting public questions include, but are not limited to:
- It would be too expensive or would take too much staff resource to deal with the question.
- The question would cause distress or is offensive.
- The question has previously been answered in the last six months and placed in the public domain.
- The answer could prejudice a criminal investigation or commercial confidentiality.
- The answer relates to personal data, which if released would be contrary to the Data Protection Act.
- The questions and answers will be sent to the individual asking the question and published three weeks after the meeting. The questions and answers will also be included in the papers for the next scheduled meeting.
Future Meetings
- Wednesday 30 April 2025
Meetings will commence at 2pm, unless otherwise advertised.
Agenda papers and appendices will be published a minimum of 3 days prior to the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available following the meeting on the 'Previous Board Meetings' webpage.
Please note: Dates and times of meetings are subject to change, please check the webpage for latest information.
To access agenda papers and reports from previous Board meetings, please click here.