People eligible for a Spring Booster urged to come forward and not wait

3 May 2022

Health leaders in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are urging those that are eligible for the spring booster to come forward and book an appointment.

This call comes amidst concern that some people, particularly those aged 75 and over, who are eligible now for their next vaccination are choosing to wait until they are called in by their local NHS. Whilst, at the same time, in April, case rates of Covid-19 rose fastest amongst people aged 70 and over.

Anyone who is who is aged 75 years and over (or aged 12 years and over with a weakened immune system) can receive their spring booster around 6 months after their previous covid vaccination. These groups of people are at higher risk of developing severe Covid-19.

“We know that protection from the vaccine reduces over time and may decline more quickly in these people who are more vulnerable, such as those aged 75 and over or those with a weakened immune system. This is why it is important to maintain your protection and get your Spring Booster booked as soon as you are eligible, around 6 months after your last vaccine,” explains Steve Ellis, Deputy Senior Responsible Officer for the Covid-19 vaccination service in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.

“The Covid-19 vaccine lowers the risk of serious illness and hospitalisation, so we are urging those who are eligible for a Spring Booster, not to wait to be contacted by the NHS but to get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible to maintain your protection against Covid-19.”

Appointments can be booked via the National Booking System or by calling 119. Alternatively, pop-in to one of our numerous walk-in vaccination clinics, no appointment required.

Anyone that is Covid-19 positive who has a booked appointment is urged to cancel their appointment in good time and wait until they are symptom free before they have their vaccine. Following national guidance, adults who are 18+ should wait 28 days from a positive Covid-19 test, be fit, well and symptom free before they receive a dose of the vaccine, and that increases to 84 days for those aged 12-17.

Find out more about the Spring booster and why it’s important for eligible groups to have by downloading this leaflet: COVID-19: A guide to the spring booster for 75 years and older (


Page last updated 3 May 2022

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments