Learning Disability and Autism Programme

The Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Learning Disability and Autism Programme is developing its overarching vision and principles. This is important as it provides focus, sets direction and unites everybody with where we want to get to as a local health and care system. It also sets out what we want to achieve for and with people living with a learning disability and/or autism.

This vision aims to align our work across health and social care in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Once developed it will provide a foundation for detailed strategies and plans where these are not yet in place or need to be updated.

How has this been developed so far?

The draft vision has been developed using:

  • feedback provided to recent strategy work for both learning disabilities and autism, for adults and children, and across health and social care in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
  • further feedback gathered directly from people with lived experience, families, carers and professionals.

Earlier this year, we sought your views and feedback on the draft vision and principles to make sure the right information has been captured.


Draft vision

Read the draft vision for our Learning Disability and Autism programme

Easy read version

See our easy read version of the draft vision

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Page last updated 1 August 2022

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments