Lung cancer screening

Lung cancer is frequently diagnosed at a later stage than other cancers because often there are no signs or symptoms at an early stage.

To identify signs of lung cancer at an early stage, when the cancer is much more treatable, NHS England launched a pilot called the Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) programme. Building on the success of this pilot scheme, NHS England is now working with Cancer Alliances to roll out a new national Lung Cancer Screening programme.

Our Lung Cancer Screening programme will launch in early 2025 and be offered to people registered with a GP within Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin who are at greatest risk of developing lung cancer – these are people aged between 55 and 74 years who are current or former smokers.

Lung Cancer Screening is a health check for your lungs. It will find out how well your lungs are working and can help find problems early, often before you notice anything is wrong. Most of the time no issues will be found. However, if cancer or another issue with your breathing or lungs are found early, treatment could be simpler and more successful. So, even if you think your lungs are fine, it is best to get them checked out.

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Lung Cancer

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Page last updated 3 December 2024

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