Spring Booster Campaign launched across Shropshire
18 April 2023
The NHS kicked off the latest phase of its world renowned covid vaccination programme last week with a spring campaign to protect the most vulnerable.
In Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, around 70,000 people will be eligible for a spring covid jab, including aged 75 and over, those with a weakened immune system and residents in an older adult care home.
Those living in care homes have been prioritised and local care homes have been receiving visits from roving NHS teams over the past two weeks.
In the first weeks, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin NHS teams have visited 33 care homes and vaccinated 1200 people, these teams are made up of staff from local GP surgeries and Shropshire Community Health Trust.
All other eligible patients are now able to book in for appointments across the area by visiting the National Booking Service online or via the NHS App with appointments available from Monday 17th April.
It will be the first time that millions will receive their initial invitations through the NHS app, where they can also book, as the NHS continues to expand its technological capabilities.
Text messages and letters will also be sent to those without the app or not actively using it.
In Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, the NHS has administered over 1.4million covid jabs since the start of the programme in December 2020.
Steve Ellis, Service Director for Covid Vaccinations in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, says:
“As a society, we are learning to live with Covid but for many it is still a virus that can cause serious illness and hospitalisation. Therefore, it is still really important that those at greatest risk come forward and boost their protection in the coming weeks.
"If you are over 75 or you have a weakened immune system, please come forward as soon as possible to book your covid vaccine this spring so you can enjoy the summer with peace of mind.
There are lots of opportunities right around the county to access your vaccination."
This latest vaccination, is being offered to those considered most at risk, following advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).
Those invited should make sure their appointment takes place at least three months since their last dose.
Anyone who believes they should be eligible for a vaccine but does not get invited can check online. Alternatively, they can self-declare via the National Booking Service and then speak to a clinician on site.
The last spring vaccination appointments will be offered on 30 June.
Covid-19 vaccinations for everyone who was aged 5 on or before 31 August 2022 will also end after that date, following recent advice from the JCVI. After 30 June, the NHS offer will become more targeted to those at increased risk, usually during seasonal campaigns.
There will be several sites right across the local area, including GPs, Pharmacies, and community locations, offering appointments.
The roving team will also be offering appointments at ‘pop-up’ locations including fire stations, community centres and the vaccination bus.
More information of available sites and walk-in locations can be found on the National Booking Service website, the NHS Grab-a-Jab website and also on the STW NHS website. Alternatively, you can call 119 to book your appointment.
Page last updated 21 April 2023