Have your say on local health and care services – join the Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation
13 February 2023
Healthcare leaders at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are encouraging people across the county to join the Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation. Residents are invited to have their say to help improve local health and care services, and to get involved by attending upcoming public meetings.
The Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation aims to understand local views on what is affecting their health and wellbeing, and what things would make the biggest difference to improve experiences of local health and care services. The feedback gathered at these events will help NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin develop its plans for the future.
A series of public engagement sessions are happening across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin over the next few months, to which all are invited to attend. Current sessions available for registration are:
- Tuesday 28 February, Sutton Hill Hub in Telford Register here
- Wednesday 1 March, Bishops Castle Methodist Church Register here
- Thursday 2 March, Meeting Point House in Telford Town Centre Register here
- Wednesday 8 March, Mascall Centre in Ludlow Register here
- Wednesday 15 March, Festival Drayton Centre in Market Drayton Register here
- Thursday 30 March, Riversway Elim Church in Shrewsbury Register here
Some of the venues will be hosting an afternoon session (2pm to 4.30pm) and an evening session (5.30pm to 8pm) to give people the chance to come along when it is most convenient to them.
Further sessions in other locations will be happening until the end of May. Information about these additional events will be advertised widely and added to our website.
Dr Nick White, Chief Medical Officer for NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin said: “Between February and May 2023, we are holding several community listening events and we would love you to join us and share your views about local health and care services.
“NHS and social care services are under extreme pressure, so we need to look at new ways to deliver these services to ensure they meet the needs of our local communities. We must do things differently to future-proof and improve our local services, and this means making decisions informed by our local population.
“We need to hear your views, feedback and personal experiences to help us do this important work. We want you to tell us what is affecting your health and wellbeing and what would make the biggest difference to improve your experience of local health and care services.”
Edna Boampong, Director of Communications and Engagement for NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin said: “We want to develop our plans in partnership with both the public and our partners and colleagues who deliver services. These listening events are vitally important, as it enables us to really hear the voices of our residents, the people who use our services, and find out what really matters to them.
“We really want people of all ages, genders, ethnicities and backgrounds from across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin to come along to these sessions and tell us what they think”.
To find out more about the Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation and to get involved, please click here.
Page last updated 13 March 2023