New video series launched to increase awareness of LGBTQIA+
1 February 2023
To provide an informative and empathetic insight into the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ people working within our system, the Integrated Care System (ICS) is delighted to launch a series of awareness-raising videos to celebrate LGBT+ History Month.
(For those not familiar, LGBTQIA+ is used to signify Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and others collectively. LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.)
Thoughtfully developed to educate and inspire, these short, animated videos explore different topics affecting the community and feature real life stories from LGBTQIA+ people themselves.
The videos available include:
- Sex and gender - what’s the difference?
- Sexuality and sexual orientation - what does each letter of the LGBTQIA+ abbreviation mean?
- Health inequalities - how does being LGBTQIA+ affect access to and experiences of healthcare?
- Inclusive language - what’s the appropriate language to use when talking about LGBTQIA+?
- Supporting LGBTQIA+ people - ideas for embracing and supporting LGBTQIA+ patients, service users and colleagues.
Jo Bayliss, Transformation Manager for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS said: “I am very excited to launch these videos and think they can really make a difference to the lives of our LGBTQIA+ colleagues and residents.
“I would encourage everyone to watch these five great videos, which we hope will raise awareness of some of the issues facing the community, help us to build more empathetic relationships with LGBTQIA+ patients, service users and colleagues, and give us the confidence to embrace differences and learn from each other.”
To watch the videos please click here.
Page last updated 6 March 2023