Outpatients Transformation Programme

Outpatients are when someone gets medical care, or a consultation, from a hospital but does not need an overnight stay (outpatients do not include patients who come for day case surgery).

This transformation programme aims to improve the experience of patients, carers and families, GPs and staff working in outpatient services by looking at the way people access care, how they manage their condition, and how the services work together and share information.

Now more than ever, we need to make sure our services are as efficient as possible and fit for the future. Covid-19 had a big impact on the amount of planned care the NHS has been able to provide. It is estimated that over 10 million people in England did not come forward for treatment when they might have needed it. Shropshire also has an older and ageing population which is something we celebrate but means we must plan for an increase in demand for certain services.

To ensure that we hear from and listen to our stakeholders, their experiences and views about outpatient services, to shape the programme,  we have undertaken a comprehensive listening exercise.

This included:

  • A series of patient listening opportunities for many of the individual pathways that make up outpatients, such as Audiology, Ophthalmology and Musculoskeletal
  • Analysis of existing insight
  • A number of face to face public and clinician stakeholder events
  • A public survey
  • Analysis of 3 years’ worth of patient complaints and compliments related to Outpatient services.

A report which brings together all of this rich insight will be shared on our website soon.

To read the latest update on the Programme, click Work Continues to Improve People’s Experiences of Outpatients Services – NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (shropshiretelfordandwrekin.nhs.uk)

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Page last updated 12 September 2023

An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments