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Welcome to NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. We are part of Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System.

Welcome to NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.
We are part of Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System. Read more about us

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Receive the advice, support, and treatment you need as quickly as possible. Find out more

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Latest News

NHS Government Reset Programme

On Thursday 13 March, the UK Government announced significant changes to the NHS in England, including its intention to abolish NHS England and fully integrate it into the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). As part the wider NHS reset programme, the Government has also asked all Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), including NHS Shropshire,…

First phase of remodelling work nearing completion at RSH Emergency Department

Update from the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust: Works to modernise and redesign the Emergency Department (ED) at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) are well under way with the first phase of work on track for completion at the end of the month. The improvements to RSH ED at The Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Hospital…

Have Your Say: Local NHS Diabetes Survey Now Live

Local people are being invited to have their say on diabetes services within the county, say health bosses at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. A new survey, which has launched today (Wednesday 5 March 2025), seeks to understand the views and experiences of those living with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, and will…

More dates added for hospital trust’s community drop-in sessions

Update from the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust: The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital (SaTH) NHS Trust has announced additional community drop-in sessions for the Hospitals Transformation Programme (HTP). The multi-million pound investment will bring high quality, sustainable care and fewer delays for everyone. Construction work is well underway on a new four-storey expansion at…

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advocates making a difference for hospital patients

Update from the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust: Advocates are joining the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) to improve the experience for patients by helping to identify and tackle any health inequalities. SaTH, which runs the Royal Shrewsbury (RSH) and Princess Royal (PRH) hospitals, has created the role of equality, diversity and…



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An illustration depicting Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin with key monuments